________ Up to year 2000 ______________________________________________________
1990 Organizing Secretary
"The International Congress on Trauma", Zahedan, Iran
1991 Scientific committee
National Congress on Malaria, Zahedan, Iran
2000 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
24th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
________ From year 2001 to 2010 _______________________________________________
2001 Secretary
“Second Scientific Congress of The Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons”, Tehran, Iran
2001 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
25th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2001 Secretary
“Fourth National Congress on Cardiovascular Update”, Tehran, Iran
2001 Secretary
“The First Iranian National Congress on Cardiac Assist Devices”, Tehran, Iran
2002 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
26th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2002 Secretary
“The first Iranian National Congress on Homografts in Cardiac Surgery”, Tehran, Iran
2002 Secretary
“The Second Congress for Perfusionists”, Tehran, Iran
2003 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
27th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2003 Secretary
“Third Scientific Congress of The Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons”, Tehran, Iran
2004 Organizing Committee
Congress of surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation, Iran University of medical sciences (Shahid Radjaie Heart Institute), Tehran, Iran
2004 Organizing Committee
The first scientific meeting and workshop of perfusion. Mashhad, Iran
2004 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
28th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2004 National Scientific Committee
14th congress Iranian heart association in collaboration with British cardiac society, Tehran, Iran
2005 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
29th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2005 Scientific Committee
Heart and technology Congress. Ramsar, Iran, February 2006.
2006 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
30th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2007 Scientific Committee
2nd Cardiovascular anesthesiology congress, Cardiovascular anesthesia undates, Tehran, Iran, January 2007
2007 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
31st Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2007Scientific Committee
First Iranian Heart Failure Summit, Tehran, Iran, February 2007
2007 Scientific Committee
Vascular Trauma Management, Tehran, Iran, February 2007
2008 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
32nd Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2009 Scientific Committee
First congress of perfusion in cardiac surgery, Tehran, Iran, January 2.
2009 Scientific Committee
2nd Iranian Heart Failure Summit, Tehran, Iran, May 2009
2010 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
34th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
________ After year 2011 ________________________________________________
2011 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
34th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran
2012 Scientific and Organizing committees
Symposium of Unexpected events during cardiopulmonary bypass, January 2012, Tehran, Iran. (Publication)
2012 Organizing, Scientific and Assessment committees
36th Annual Congress of Iranian Association of Surgeons, Tehran, Iran