________ Up to year 2000 ______________________________________________________
1. Motamedi KM, Hassantash SA. Late arterial repair for leg or knee salvage. Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran 1988;1:10-14.
2. Matloobi R, Hassantash SA. Transposition of sensory branch of radial nerve in hand surgery. Journal of National School of Medicine 1990;36:121-126 (Cover Page - Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6).
3. Hassantash SA. Chest Tube (Book Chapter). Zahedan School of Medicine Publications. 1991.
4. Hassantash SA, et al. Primary segmental infraction of greater omentum. Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran 1992;6:67-70.
5. Gubler KD, Gentilello LM, Hassantash SA, Maier RV. The impact of hypothermia on dilutional coagulopathy.19 J Trauma 94;36 :847-51.
6. Hassantash SA, Mock C, Maier RV. Traumatic visceral artery aneurysm: Presentation as massive hemorrhage from perforation into hollow viscus. J Trauma. 1995;38:357-60.
7. Hassantash SA, Ashbaugh DG, Verrier ED, Maier RV. Surgical treatment of myasthenia gravis in two major Iranian teaching hospitals. Thorax 1996;51:193-6. (full paper - pdf)
8. Gentilello LM, Jurkovich GJ, Hassantash SA, Stark MS, O’Keefe GE. Is hypothermia in the victim of major trauma protective or harmful? A randomized, prospective study. Ann of Surg 1997;226:439-47;discussion 447-9. (full paper - pdf)
9. Festekjian JH, Hassantash SA, Taylor EW. Abdominal wall biloma: An unusual complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 1997;1:353-5.
10. Aziz S, Hassantash SA, Kruse A, Allen MD, Levy WC, Bolgiano, Fishbein DP, Nelson K. The clinical significance of flow cytometry crossmatching in heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplan. 1998;17:686-92.
11. Hassantash SA, Maier RV. Sympathectomy in Causalgia: Our experience with military injuries. J Trauma. 2000;49:266-71.
________ From 2001 to 2010 ______________________________________________________
12. Hassantash SA. Perioperative care in cardiac surgery. (Book, 450 pages, Farsi). Edition 1. 2001 Ettela-at Publishing Co.
13 Hassantash SA, Ahmadi ZH, Arian R, Arabnia K. Risk factors influencing mortality in adult cardiac surgery. Pejouhandeh (Iranian) 2002;28:105-9.
14 Hassantash SA. Damavand mountain picture. Asian Annals of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2002;
15 Hassantash SA, Afrakhteh M, Maier RV. Causalgia: A meta-analysis of the literature. Archives of Surgery 2003;138:1226-31.
16. Hassantash SA (Scienttific editor), Medical information series: Cardiovascular Surgery (Book, 205 pages, Farsi). Edition 1. 2003 Espand-Honar Publishing Co.
17. Hassantash SA. Causalgia: What dose the literature say? Iranian Journal of Surgery 2004;30:28-38.
18. Hekmat M, Foroughi M, Majidi Tehrani MM, Beheshti Monfared M, Arabnia MK, Hassantash SA, et al: Tetralogy of fallot and associated coronary anomalies. Iranian Heart Journal 2004;5:39-42. (full paper - pdf)
19. Hassantash SA, Mirpoor K. Results of cardiac surgery in Iran. Iranian journal of surgery 2004;33:58-63.
20. Beheshti Monfared M, Majidi Tehrani MM, Hekmat M, Hassantash SA, et al: The results of coronary artery bypass graft in diabetic patients, referred to Modarres hospital during 1998-1999. Journal of Army University of Medical sciences of the IR Iran 2004;1:205-209. (Farsi)
21. Hassantash SA, Mirpoor K, Afrakhteh M: Cardiac surgery in an Iranian teaching hospital: Outcome and risk factors. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2004;12:312-5.
22. Hassantash SA, Omrani GR, Mottahedi , Ahmadi ZH. Results of intra-aortic balloon pump application: Risk factors and outcome. Pajouhandeh 2005;44:73-9. (Farsi)
23. Hekmat M, Taghipoor HR, Rezvan Nobahar M, Beheshti Monfared M, Majidi Tehrani MM, Arabnia MK, Hassantash SA, et al: Laparascopic cholecystectomy and open heart surgery at the same time. Journal of Cardiac Surgery 2005;20:1-3.
24. Hekmat M, Forooghi M, Taghipoor HR, Hassantash SA, et al. Metastatic sarcoma invasion through pulmonary vein to left atrium; an unusual way of metastasis. Iranian Heart Journal 2005;5:53-6.
25. Hekmat M, Rafieyan S, Foroughi M, Majidi MM, Beheshti M, Hassantash SA. Associated coronary anomalies in 135 Iranian patients with tetralogy of Fallot. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2005;13:307-10. (full paper - pdf)
26. Hassantash SA, Omrani GR, Givtaj N, Afrakhteh M. Pharmocological prevention of the deleterious effects of cardiopulmonary bypass. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2007;15:218-24. (full paper - pdf)
27. Hassantash SA, Bikdeli B, Kalantarian S, Sadeghian M, Kasraee F. Guidelines for Reporting Data and Outcomes for the Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. Ann Thorac Surg 2007;84:1795.
28. Hassantash SA, Bikdeli B, Kalantarian S, Sadeghian M, Afshar H. Pathophysiology of aortocoronary saphenous vein graft disease. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2008;16:331-6. (full Text - HTML) (full Text - pdf)
29. Foroughi M, Hassantash SA, Hekmat M, Bolourian A, Shahzamani M, Ansari Z. Do Different Techniques of Left Internal Mammary Graft Harvesting Really Affect Hospital Outcome? Ann Thorac Surg 2008;86:1053.
30. Foroughi M, Hassantash SA, Saadat H, Ghanavaty A. Unusual ethiologies of severe acute mitral regurgitation not requiring surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008 Oct;34(4):925. Epub 2008 Aug 13.
________ From year 2011 ______________________________________________________
31. Hassantash SZ, Hassantash SA. Association of severity of periodontitis with angiographic extent of coronary artery disease. (Thesis for Doctorate Graduation)November 2011.
32. Shahzamani M, Ghanavati A, Froutagheh AN, Foroughi M, Rahimian H, Shahsanaei A, Hasantash SA, Dabbagh A. Carvedilol compared with metoprolol on left ventricular ejection fraction after coronary artery bypass graft. J Perianesth Nurs. 2011 Dec;26(6):384-7. (full Text )